Transistors enable high current to pass through them and then motor, thus excluding 555 timer completely as it can supply very little amount of current. Thus we develop a arduino based stepper motor controller system that allows the user to control a stepper motor motion in 3 different modes.2. Also it uses a stepper driver to rotate the motor step by step respectively as per manual rotation of optical encoder. When user rotates the knob the rotation steps are transmitted to the controller and the arduino displays no of steps on an LCD display. The optical encoder is fitted with a knob to help rotate it. When switched in this mode the user can control motor movement using an optical encoder. This mode gives a full manual control of the stepper motor to the user. Pressing the same button again the motor rotates another quarter starting from the last point at which t stopped. On a button press the stepper motor rotates exactly one quarter rotation and stops. When switched in this mode the user can press a red button. In this mode the stepper motor movement is restricted to quarter of a rotation. The motor can now be rotated continuously in clockwise as well as anti clockwise direction using a simple switch button. Switching the system in full rotation mode allows user to control the motor direction without stopping. The system makes use of Arduino uno controller along with an LCD Display, NEMA Stepper motor, optical encoder, stepper driver, switches and buttons along with basic electronics component and PCB to develop this system. We here develop an arduino based stepper motor controller that allows user to control the stepper in 3 different modes: Each pulse rotates the shaft through a fixed angle. The stepper motor is known for its property of converting a train of input pulses (typically square waves) into a precisely defined increment in the shaft’s rotational position. That’s because they divide one full shaft rotation in to a number of equal steps. Stepper motors are also known as step motor or stepping motors. Electronics and Communication Project Ideas.